This small bird measures 12 cm in length. The male has a distinct crest, like the other 3 species of the genus that was formerly all together. The front of the head, including dark eyes, is black, except in its symmetry. Behind the black is a light beige collar from the back of the head to the chest (white in the other 3 species). A black mark marks the light forehead that continues into a narrow, high crest, light reddish, becoming blackish on the back of the Buffy Helmetcrest's (Colibri fauve) crown. Under the black, ... read more (Rédigé par Jean François)
The Sand Martin is a small brown swallow, entirely brown on the top, white and brown underneath, very closely linked to water. I specify the habitat because another brown swallow frequents our countries, the Rock Dove, but this one frequents wild rocky habitats.On the perched bird, the slightly fork-tailed tail ends up at about the same level as the tip of the wings. There are no nets. On the top of the chest, a wide brown collar separates the white throat from the rest of the white underside of the body. The eye, the beak ... read more (Rédigé par Jean François)
Garganey is a small, surface-feeding duck, slightly larger than its cousin, the Winter Garganey. The adult male can be recognised at first glance by its long white eyebrow going up to the neck, tapering off, outlined by the blackish cap and highlighted by the vine-coloured cheeks. To identify the rest, just look at a beautiful profile photo showcasing the finely grey speckled white flanks and the long grey scapulars above them. In flight, the wings display their attraction. Above, the grey covert feathers of the arm precede ... read more (Rédigé par Jean François)
La buse est sans doute le rapace le plus commun de France. L'expression "triple buse" traduit en fait la frustration des fauconniers de jadis: cet oiseau ne se laisse pas dresser. Comme Max, elle est libre la buse ! ... lire la suite
(Un article de Marc Mortelmans)
La Chouette effraie (Tyto alba) doit son nom à une "contamination": une erreur progressive qui fait qu'un nom commun en remplace un autre, moins évident. C'est ainsi que l'orfraie (qui tire son nom d'Ossifraga, le casseur d'os) est progressivement devenue effraie. ... lire la suite
(Un article de Marc Mortelmans)
Pour différencier le milan, des busards ou encore de la buse, c’est à la queue qu’il faut se fier ! Fourchue chez le kite (nom anglais du Milan), elle est arrondie chez la buse et très allongée chez les busards. . ... lire la suite
(Un article de Marc Mortelmans)
Number of documents | Number and percentage of species | ||||
Sheets | 3,253 | 3,253 | 29% | ||
Photos | 9,111 | 312,404 | 9,534 | 82% | 53% |
Drawings | 12,173 | 5,448 | 49% | ||
Sounds | 165,136 | 10,419 | 94% |