Little Rush Warbler - Bradypterus baboecala

Bouscarle caqueteuse

Little Rush Warbler, identification

  • identification
  • Zarzalero charlatán
  • felosa-dos-juncos-africana
  • Sumpfbuschsänger
  • Bradypterus baboecala
  • Passeriformes

The species


Order  : Passériformes
Family : Locustellidae
Species : Little Rush Warbler

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

by the author
all the pictures

The picture

O.Net ref. : seni312859
Author :


Country : South Africa (sf)
Region : Gauteng
Place : South Africa South Africa
Lat. : 25° 42' 42'' South
Lng. : 28° 13' 53'' East