South American Tern - Sterna hirundinacea

Sterne hirundinacée

South American Ternjuvenile, Flight

  • Flight
  • juvenile
  • Charrán suramericano
  • trinta-réis-de-bico-vermelho
  • Falklandseeschwalbe
  • Sterna hirundinacea
  • Charadriiformes

The species


Order  : Charadriiformes
Family : Laridae
Species : South American Tern

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

by the author
all the pictures

The picture

O.Net ref. : sama232945
Author :
Plumage : juvenile


date : 2017 Feb
Country : Chile (ci)
Place : Paso Richmond Paso Richmond
Lat. : 55° 15' 0'' South
Lng. : 66° 45' 0'' West

Exif Data [+] [-]

Model : Canon EOS 7D Mark II

Exposure : 1/3200 s

aperture : 7.1

Focal length : 500 mm

Iso : 800

Flash : no