Juniper Titmouse - Baeolophus ridgwayi

Mésange des pinèdes

Juniper Titmouseadult
This is actually the Oak Titmouse, Baeolophus inornatus which was split from the Juniper Titmouse a few years ago!
  • adult
  • Herrerillo de Ridgway
  • chapim-dos-zimbros
  • Wacholdermeise
  • Baeolophus ridgwayi
  • Passeriformes

The species


Order  : Passériformes
Family : Paridae
Species : Juniper Titmouse

Geographic range by countries

specie's pictures

by the author
all the pictures

The picture

O.Net ref. : hasp66564
Author :
Plumage : adult


date : 2009 Mar
Country : United States (us)
Region : California
Place : Santa Barbara Santa Barbara
Lat. : 34° 25' 5'' North
Lng. : 119° 41' 42'' West

Exif Data [+] [-]

Model : Canon EOS 50D

Exposure : 1/200 s

aperture : 8

Focal length : 420 mm

Iso : 400

Flash : no